Okay. here are the last of the "before Peter turns into a cat" drawings except for the one previously posted by accident, but I'm ignoring that one. However, I never know when I might open a box and find something. I know I have a few on disc that are of such poor quality that the only reason I keep them is to remind me to look for a better quality Xerox.

Now don't wail and pull out your hair just yet. The dirty secret about animation is it ain't over 'till it's over. These drawings take place in San Francisco. Vance had to completely reinvent every drawing when the location abruptly changed to Venice, Italy because a certain V.P. hated San Francisco as a location. To understand why artists and writers are allowed to work for six months on something that has a "knowable" built in flaw would better be explained in another blog I don't have time for called
DisneyLeaks or
UnspunDisney. Anyway, it is a testament to Vance that he sat down and produced another set of wonderful drawings That I will post after the San Francisco version.
I miss him.